Sunday, February 15, 2009


Sorry for the lack of posts tell you the truth, my life has temporarily become kind of low key. Which is fine..

Last week we had our first exams here, so the whole week was spent studying and doing homework. I had 3 tests, a quiz, and a paper due, so it was a pretty busy week, but meant I couldn't really do much, socially speaking. But's one week out of the month, not too bad. So I think my tests went pretty well, but I guess we will see. This weekend I went out both nights, slept a lot, and didn't do a lot AT ALL! It was a fun weekend, but at the same time really exhausting, and the days were unproductive and kind of boring.

The parents are coming on Thursday, so I am getting really excited. My room mates and I are also starting to plan our trip to Mazatlan for spring break. We are really looking forward to spending a whole week on the beach. It should be great.

Seriously, nothing else is new. I am sorry my life has sort of become non-interesting. haha. I am sure it will just come in spurts. :D Soon, more.


  1. "I am sorry my life has sort of become noninteresting"

    That would imply that it ever was interesting...
    hahahaha. Yep, that is some funny stuff.

  2. Question - how is the water? or do you drink wine instead?
    Is your school books all in spanish? if so how difficult is it for you to study in spanish?
